We Howl

Within me is a silent rage,

It screams and pounds,

Threatens to tear the world down with tooth and claw,

To burn to cinders the structures so old,

The modern world is left to suffer.


Within us is a silent rage,

It creeps out and tears at our throats,

Makes us cry out to the ones above us, with power and voice,

To stop, to see, to feel.

It makes us impotent and numb,

Our caged anger poisoning our blood.

Will no one see, will no one listen, will no one change?


Within me is a sacred rage,

A fire burning with a will of its own,

A fury that won’t be put out, won’t be forced down anymore,

By your discomfort, by your offense, by your egos.

A rage that wants what’s right and just,

So I howl.


Within us is a sacred rage,

A knowing that humanity will fall if we don’t change,

If we don’t rise above our ignorance and arrogance,

And see ourselves as one.

Within us is a truth that we are only hurting ourselves,

And so we howl.

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